Dr. Christian Jessen answer your question

Full spectrum CBD What is the entourage effect?

British media doctor and health campaigner, Dr Christian Jessen answer your CBD questions. In this video you will find out ‘Full spectrum CBD – What is the entourage effect?’ and other fundamentals about the compound found in cannabis.

DR Christian on 'Full spectrum CBD - What is the entourage effect?'

The entourage effect is said to be the combined effect of the cannabis plant’s cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids and several other groups of phtyo-chemcials in the plant, all working together to for enhanced effect.  

 ‘Full Spectrum’ refers to a product containing many different cannabinoids, which tends to include compounds such as THC and CBN – both of which are Controlled Substances in the UK. 

Levels of these compounds can vary from product-to-product. Always ensure you are getting a compliant product by checking the Certificate-of-Analysis; if manufactured and tested correctly, these CoA’s can help assure that the products are void of any undesirable cannabinoids. 

However, beyond cannabinoids, CBD oil products that include natural hemp oil (not just carrier oils like MCT coconut) will have the terpenes, flavonoids etc. present that are said to contribute to the entourage effect. 

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BRITISH CANNABIS™ answer your question

Full-spectrum CBD - What is the Entourage Effect?

Cannabinoids are a type of naturally occurring chemical in marijuana that causes drug-like effects all through the body, including the central nervous system and the immune system.

The “entourage effect” theorizes that when multiple cannabis plant compounds are present along with CBD extract, it increases the health benefits of the CBD product.

In this article we will discuss what is full-spectrum CBD and how to decide if it’s right for you.

What does-full spectrum CBD mean?

Although CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD extracted from the plant and devoid of all other ingredients, full-spectrum CBD contains all the natural chemicals found in the plant, which include various other cannabinoids, essential oils, and terpenes.

Minor cannabinoids

Minor cannabinoids including CBD and THC, are cannabinoids present in hemp. They’re classified as “minor” cannabinoids because they’re discovered in much smaller concentrations, ranging from 0.01mg to 5-7mg per 1,000mg of extract.

Despite their small presence, they play an important part in the synergistic effects of CBD products. The psychotropic and therapeutic effects of cannabis products are due to CBD and THC, however, THC has an intoxicating effect while CBD does not.


CBG or Cannabigerol is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. The ultimate form of CBGA, also known as the “stem cell” cannabinoid, CBG’s antibacterial and digestive properties have been studied by scientists.

Cannabinol (CBN)

THC can be aged to produce CBN, or CBD can be converted to CBN. CBN has been examined for its possible neuroprotective advantages, and it has sleep-promoting characteristics for many people who use it.


Known as CBC, cannabichromene is a lesser-known cannabinoid that has been studied for its analgesic properties. The activity of CBC works with TRPV1 receptors in the neurological system, regulating inflammation and pain.


More than 150 terpenes are found in cannabis. They alter the plant’s aroma as well as provide various therapeutic advantages.


There are around 20 distinct flavonoids in cannabis. Flavonoids are present in a variety of plant species. They have therapeutic qualities, just like terpenes. Flavonoids are called cannaflavins and are found in hemp and marijuana.

A 2011 study found that flavonoids possess the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Neuroprotective
  • Lowers risk of heart disease

What is the entourage effect?

Basically, the entourage effect is the combined effect of many compounds acting together. When we smoke or vaporize cannabis, our bodies take in hundreds of botanical compounds. Each one arrives with unique effects and benefits.

Terpenes are a class of chemical compounds found in hemp that are key aromatic molecules that give plants their distinct scent.

The following are three terpenes and their health benefits. Linalool (impressive antibacterial effects), and Guaiol (believed to have significant anti-inflammatory actions) (may offer antiparasitic benefits).

Terpenes not only play an important role in the Entourage Effect, but they also provide a number of health benefits like anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antihyperglycemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic.

What is the best full-spectrum CBD?

Distillate CBD crumble is a concentrated form of full-spectrum CBD. CBD crumble has a waxy substance and is frequently vaporized or “dabbed.” Other minor cannabinoids found in this concentrate include CBN and CBG.

CBD waxes contain a variety of useful plant ingredients that are known to contribute to hemp extract’s therapeutic potential, including a large number of other cannabinoids, plant terpenes, flavonoids, and vital fatty acids.

CBD tinctures are created by soaking cannabis in alcohol, whereas CBD oils are created by suspending CBD in a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil. A tincture of 2500mg is widely available. Each 1mL portion (one dropper full) includes 83mg of CBD, providing a boost to the recommended daily dose of 30-60mg. For CBD users who want a quick and easy CBD routine using high-quality hemp-derived CBD.

Types of CBD products that produce the entourage effect

CBD products can be formulated with many different hemp extracts. The entourage effect can be manifested from the raw extracts to the isolated cannabinoids, with vaporized cannabinoids and terpenes showing the best bioavailability.

To have your best entourage experience consult an expert in the field. BRITISH CANNABIS has worked tirelessly to become the largest independently owned, producer, manufacturer and distributor of legal cannabis derived products in the UK.

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