CBD Price Comparison

Take a look at our prices compared with other CBD available in well-known high street stores. With ACCESS CBD™ priced at 80% lower than average market prices, consumers in the UK have never had such a good deal. Prices are based on the cost of 100mg of active CBD.

The UK's Lowest Priced CBD

ACCESS CBD® - British Cannabis
Green Stem - Amazon
Jacob Hooy - Holland & Barrett
Vitality CBD - Lloyds Pharmacy
Be you CBD - Superdrug
Love Hemp

Data: Based on RRP price data obtained from the brands websites obtained on October 2020.

Comparative Price Data

When product comparison data is compiled, we use the recommended retail price displayed on the brands website. This will be an up-to-date price that the product has been marketed for a period of at least 6 weeks. If we are made aware of a price changes, we will remove the marketing material immediately.

Average Comparative Price Data

When we say 80% less than other brands, this isn’t just us checking a few products and distorting the fact. The data we utilise within the average price is based on average price data for over 1741 products in Europe [Source: CBD Intel 2019]. CBD-Intel provides impartial, independent market and regulatory analysis, legal tracking, and quantitative data for the cannabidiol (CBD) sector worldwide. The price is an average of a very large pool of products that represent the majority of the industry.